Brandon Cornwell

Blacksmith, Woodsmith, and Wordsmith

News, Publishing Progress

Eleven days in!

So, the last eleven days have been eventful! Not only covering extra days at work, but gearing up for Easter with the kids and Spring Break as well, I’ve been busy busy busy!

The biggest bit of news is that Rising Thunder has been ranked up to #15 of Hot New Releases in the Swords and Sorcery genre on Amazon! I offer proof in the form of a super high tech screenshot!

There it is! I also topped out at #74 in my genre in general, new releases notwithstanding.

So to say that I am happy with the performance of the novel during the first two weeks would be an understatement. I am positively ecstatic! If this is a sign of things to come, then this is definitely a viable course to take!

The next step is to see about getting some book reviewers to give it a read and a review! I can’t wait to find some people willing to give it a read and tell me what they think! I’ve got a 4.6 star rating on Amazon as of this writing, and I’ve decided to submit it to the Storyteller UK 2017 writing contest, since it’s also open to us here in the USA.

In other news, I’m feeling the itch again, so I think it’s time to start writing on Book Two. I was, originally, going to title it Rising Thunder Book Two, but I think I am going to try to come up with another title for it under the Dynasty of Storms series title. Since publishing, my eyes have really been opened to how things are done in the literary world, and I can see some adjustments I’ll have to make to my process, but if all goes well, then my cellular phone selling days will soon be behind me!

Wish me luck!

Written by Brandon Cornwell in April 15, 2017 / 1230 Views

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