Brandon Cornwell

Blacksmith, Woodsmith, and Wordsmith

13 Posts for On Writing Category

On Writing

Terrible Writing Advice: Slasher Films!

In honor of Friday the 13th landing on October, this week’s Terrible Writing Advice is about Slasher Films! Terrible Writing Advice is a video series by Joseph Beaubien (Who has multiple social media accounts, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and his very own website!). Without any further ado, here’s the video. Enjoy! Again, super fun! […]

Written by Brandon Cornwell in October 13, 2017 / 1276 Views
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On Writing

Terrible Writing Advice: The Mary Sue!

So hey! It’s been a long time. Like, two and a half months. For that, I’m sorry. Between June and September, I pushed out over 100k words, and finished book 2 of the Dynasty of Storms series, Thunderbolt. It’s currently in beta read, which has left me more or less sitting on my hands. I’ve […]

Written by Brandon Cornwell in October 10, 2017 / 1843 Views
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On Writing

Terrible Writing Advice: Dystopias!

So, in one of the writing websites I am a member of (It’s called Critique Circle, and was an absolutely fantastic resource for me while I was zeroing in on my writing style and mechanics. I really recommend that community! It’s at Sign up!), there was a thread that talked about the Terrible Writing […]

Written by Brandon Cornwell in June 30, 2017 / 1498 Views
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