Brandon Cornwell

Blacksmith, Woodsmith, and Wordsmith

Publishing Progress

Short Delay

Well, unfortunately, there’s been a little bit of a delay.

Originally, I was going to be uploading Rising Thunder Book 1 to Amazon tonight, but there was a delay with the cover. My brother suffered a back injury that laid him up for about a week, causing him to miss a lot of work. Since he’s an artist for his living, it is his only income.

We both agreed that it was most important for him to be able to take care of his Patreon site, so that he could continue to support himself while he helped me out, pro bono, with my cover. So, instead of launching my book on the 31st, as originally planned, I will launch it one week later, on the 7th, so there there is enough time for my brother to be able to finish the cover without rushing it. The progress pictures I ave seen are absolutely fantastic, and I know it will be well worth the wait!

So, until then, hang tight and ready your reading glasses!

Written by Brandon Cornwell in March 30, 2017 / 1132 Views

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