Brandon Cornwell

Blacksmith, Woodsmith, and Wordsmith

News, Personal Update, Publishing Progress

Narrator for Rising Thunder chosen, and Book 2 progress!

Hey there! It’s been a while since my last update, but that’s because I’ve been hard at work on the second book! I’ve got a few things to update here, but it’s all good news!


First of all, Podium Publishing has selected the narrator for Rising Thunder, and it is the talented Ralph Lister! To his credit, he has narrated Ben Hale’s Warsworn series, as well as James Clavell’s amazing classic, Shogun, which was one of my favorite books when I was growing up. I read it when I was about thirteen, and it’s always stuck in my mind as one of the examples on how to do historical fiction! You can hear a sample of his performance on Shogun here, and on the Warsworn series here.


In other news, summer has kicked off with a gusto, and we’ve got five energetic little girls either running about or hiding in their rooms with their mobile devices, so we’ve got quite the houseful. Our summer kickoff party was this last Saturday, and we had upwards of twenty little kids splashing about in our little 14′ above ground pool, and about half that many parents milling about int he shade. A fantastic time was had by all, and it really felt like summer was here.


Book two of the Dynasty of Storms series, which I have yet to properly title, has been progressing wonderfully! I’m almost done with Chapter 7, I’m over 35,000 words, and it’s plain that this novel is going to be significantly longer than the first one. It’s flowing a lot more smoothly than it did the first time around, mostly, I think, because I’ve already found my voice, if that makes any sense. I know where I’m taking the story, obviously, but it’s the minutae that’s taking the most time. It’s like, I know where plot points A, B, D, C, and E are going, but it’s the little bits between them like Point E.1.13.4, how exactly are the characters gonna transition from this task to that, in a way that makes sense?


Ah well. You writers out there are going to get what I’m saying, and hopefully, you readers will appreciate the work that’s gone into it! In any case, I’m getting ready for work; only fifteen more work days before I am no longer a phone salesman, and writing is my day job. I may celebrate with a camping trip, and just go ghost for a week or so, but in that time you can rest assured, there will always be progress being made!


As always, thank you for reading!

Written by Brandon Cornwell in June 26, 2017 / 1913 Views

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