Brandon Cornwell

Blacksmith, Woodsmith, and Wordsmith

News, Publishing Progress

Quick update!

Hey everyone. I know it’s been a little while since I have done any updates, but it’s not because I’ve been sitting idle, watching TV or playing video games!
Okay, maybe a little of both… Game of Thrones is back, I mean, COME ON, and those demons in DOOM won’t blow THEMSELVES up…
However, I have been hard at work writing the second volume of Dynasty of Storms, Thunderbolt! As of now, I’m nearing 60% done with the rough draft, at over 72k words so far. I’ve been working with Podium Publishing on pronunciations for the audiobook version of Rising Thunder, and I’ve been wrapping up my day job as a cellular salesman. Couple that with a stay-cation while my wife was out of town on a business trip, and I’m beat! Despite all of that, the last two weeks have been productive, and I’ve added over 20k words to the rough draft so far.
I have a goal. I want to be done with the rough draft by the end of September. I want to get it out to my beta-readers and get feedback by the end of October (preferably before!), have it edited and revised by the end of November, and I’ve set a tentative launch date of December 1st. Now, if all of you are as awesome as you all have been, I have no doubt that Thunderbolt will be as much a success as Rising Thunder was, and more!
I’m gonna try to get back to the schedule I SAID I was going to keep to, and put up more of those Terrible Writing Advice videos… but my mind is a slippery thing, and they just fell right off the shelf.
In any case, I just wanted to drop this quick update here, and try to get back to writing. The last four or five days haven’t gone so well for word counts, but now it’s flowing again, and one must strike while the iron is hot!
Written by Brandon Cornwell in July 28, 2017 / 1533 Views

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