Brandon Cornwell

Blacksmith, Woodsmith, and Wordsmith

Personal Update, Publishing Progress

End of July update!

Alright, so! A bit of an update!

I’ve been quiet for a while, just posting little things here and there on my Facebook page, but doing my best to work on finishing up these stories for Songs of the Northlands. I’m still going to try for an October 1st release for it, but I’m not feeling super confident about that date.

A little bit of background is due here. For most of my life, unbeknownst to me, I have been plagued by generalized anxiety. As time went by and life threw curveball after fastball after stream-of-baseballs-shot-at-my-head-from-a-pitching-machine, it developed into a lovely case of hypervigilance, which did nothing to help the anxiety, as one would expect. In 2014, it reached a crescendo with multiple daily panic attacks, until they gradually subsided. In 2015, when I started writing, I was able to channel that energy into my first trilogy and re-enter the world of writing.

Unfortunately, in late June and early July of this year, the panic attacks came back, but this time I wasn’t going to put up with it. I spoke with my doctor and we got me on an anti-anxiety medication (which has been working quite well I must say). I feel much better, but unfortunately, trying to adapt my writing to the effects of the medication has been… a challenge. It’s been about three weeks since I started taking the meds, and my word counts have plummeted while I’ve been adjusting to it. My goal was to have all five stories in Songs of the Northlands and the epilogue completed by July 31st… and that hasn’t happened.

I’m almost done with the fourth story, and the last one is pretty short, but having all of that done by tomorrow night, that ain’t gonna happen. I’m revising my goal for the second week of August, which I think will still give me enough time to let my wonderful beta readers give me their feedback, edit it, format it, and get it ready to publish. It’ll be a little bit of a push, but I think I can do it.

I want to thank you all for your patience and wonderful reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, and Audible over the last few months, and keep an eye out for Ralph Lister’s performance of Storm’s Break, due out in the next few months! I know I can’t wait to hear it! I’m also working with my original cover artist for my future novels, so there should be some stunning artwork to come!

As always, thank you so much for your support, and thank you for reading!

Written by Brandon Cornwell in July 30, 2018 / 1322 Views

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