Brandon Cornwell

Blacksmith, Woodsmith, and Wordsmith

News, On Writing, Publishing Progress

Initial draft of Snowfall complete!

Well, I’m proud to come here and say that I have completed the first draft of Snowfall, the fourth book in the Dynasty of Storms saga, and the start of a brand new trilogy starring Amethyst Leonus, heir to the throne of Lonwick! I started drafting out this novel on October 16th, and I just finished it tonight, on November 27th, which puts it right at six weeks for this one.

Now, I still plan on releasing in April, on schedule, but the great thing is that now I have plenty of time for my beta readers to go over it and offer feedback, it gives me lots of time for thorough editing, as well as giving me time to go over my first trilogy in preparation for its release as a combined Ombinus Edition, which will contain all three books in a single volume!

But, for now, it’s time to catch my breath, maybe toy with the beginning of the second book in Amethyst’s trilogy, and enjoy the beginning of the holiday season!

Written by Brandon Cornwell in November 28, 2018 / 1539 Views

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