Hey everyone. I know it’s been a little while since I have done any updates, but it’s not because I’ve been sitting idle, watching TV or playing video games! Okay, maybe a little of both… Game of Thrones is back, I mean, COME ON, and those demons in DOOM won’t blow THEMSELVES up… […]
Hey there! It’s been a while since my last update, but that’s because I’ve been hard at work on the second book! I’ve got a few things to update here, but it’s all good news! First of all, Podium Publishing has selected the narrator for Rising Thunder, and it is the talented Ralph Lister! […]
So, I was at work yesterday, so I was unable to post an update, but around 10:00 AM, I checked my numbers, and I had passed one million Kindle Unlimited page reads! Now, there are definitely other authors who do that pretty regularly, but I didn’t expect to pass that before having the book out […]
So, with the month of April wrapped up, I’ve built my final reports from Amazon on sales figures and the like, and I figured I’d share, so that any aspiring writers might be able to see how I do things to track my numbers, and keep track of my income. I use the KDP Reports […]
Five days ago, I posted about reaching number two in Swords and Sorcery New Releases. Last night, shortly before 10:00 PST, I hit number one on hot new releases! This is just a quick blurb before I head out for the day, but I just had to share! Of course, here’s the accompanying screenshot for […]