Brandon Cornwell

Blacksmith, Woodsmith, and Wordsmith

Book Sale, News, Personal Update, Publishing Progress, Website Update

A long time ago, on a webpage far, far away…

Okay, so maybe it’s not quite so far away, but it’s been almost four months.

Four very productive months!

Between December and March, I was very, very hard at work writing, revising, editing, and formatting the third novel in the Dynasty of Storms series, Storm’s Break. In the 41 days between December 17th and January 27th, I wrote 70,500 words, or just a little bit over 1700 words a day on average. During February, I was in contact with my beta readers as they went over the rough draft and offered feedback, and on March 21st, I finished my revisions and formatting.

So yeah! Storm’s Break is complete and is available on Amazon in both Kindle and Paperback formats! I’m having a bit of trouble formatting my cover with Barnes and Noble, but rest assured, it is coming soon, as well as the Audible audio book edition!


Now, moving forward, it’s time to start the second trilogy in the Dynasty of Storms saga! While the Warrior’s Trilogy spans roughly a year and a half, from just before the Summer Solstice of year 4368 to the Winter Solstice of year 4397, the Mage’s Trilogy begins near the Winter Solstice of year 4367, six months earlier than Rising Thunder. I expect to have it ready to publish by October of 2018, despite a full spring and summer ahead of me, including a cruise through the Mediterranean!

In the meantime, I’m going to do my best to balance writing, my home life, and updating this website as time allows.

So this is my quick update! You can get Storm’s Break for $3.99 on Amazon right now, while the paperback is 11.99! From today, April 2nd, until Sunday, April 8th, you can get Thunderbolt for the reduced price of $0.99! And finally, as a special promotion, until April 7th, you can pick up Rising Thunder absolutely free!

Happy reading and, as always, there is much, much more to come!

Written by Brandon Cornwell in April 2, 2018 / 1318 Views

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