Brandon Cornwell

Blacksmith, Woodsmith, and Wordsmith

6 Posts for Website Update Category

Book Sale, News, Personal Update, Publishing Progress, Website Update

A long time ago, on a webpage far, far away…

Okay, so maybe it’s not quite so far away, but it’s been almost four months. Four very productive months! Between December and March, I was very, very hard at work writing, revising, editing, and formatting the third novel in the Dynasty of Storms series, Storm’s Break. In the 41 days between December 17th and January […]

Written by Brandon Cornwell in April 2, 2018 / 1219 Views
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Personal Update, Publishing Progress, Website Update


The last nine days have been busy. Between balancing work, health, family life, map-making, and designing the cover with my awesome brother, I’ve been slowly descending into the stressed-out madness that I think consumes all creative types when they first start putting their work out into the world. I’ve given myself some time off to […]

Written by Brandon Cornwell in March 24, 2017 / 1004 Views
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Personal Update, Website Update

The World of Erde expands!

So, when I started writing, originally, the world was set in a Dungeons & Dragons setting, the Forgotten Realms. Well, for pretty obvious reasons, I decided to NOT use that world (My adventures were anything but canon, and getting the rights to write in that world would be like pulling teeth… no thanks!), and went […]

Written by Brandon Cornwell in March 4, 2017 / 1266 Views
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Website Update

Two new sections of the site are now up!

So, while I have been focusing the vast majority of my creative energy to writing over the last two years, in the past I have been more of a craftsman, working with wood, metal, and more. This site is more or less my creative outlet, which lets me share what it is that I do, […]

Written by Brandon Cornwell in March 3, 2017 / 1005 Views
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Website Update

Website Content Update soon!

Well, I’ve made myself a deal. If I can get all the way to page 85 in my edit today, that will put me at the 25% mark. If I can do that, I’ll update the information about my Dynasty of Storms setting. I may, at some point, try to draw up a map to […]

Written by Brandon Cornwell in February 25, 2017 / 1010 Views
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