Brandon Cornwell

Blacksmith, Woodsmith, and Wordsmith

18 Posts for Personal Update Category

On Writing, Personal Update

Oh no! The Felle have risen!

Or, at least, that’s how it feels, in a sense. These old, dusty bones woke up and started looking around, saw they writing they haven’t done over the last four years, and the strange force that animates them is considering what orders to give. The last time I did any real writing of note was […]

Written by Brandon Cornwell in December 13, 2023 / 629 Views
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News, On Writing, Personal Update, Publishing Progress


I think it is abundantly obvious, now, that I missed my October publishing deadline… and then the April publishing deadline… and now, I’m two books behind schedule. A lot of things have happened in the last eight months, most of which are of a personal nature, so I’m not going to go into any real […]

Written by Brandon Cornwell in April 14, 2020 / 2282 Views
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On Writing, Personal Update, Publishing Progress

Avalanche progress!

Hello! It’s been a while, yeah, but not as long as usual! As usual, I’m gonna talk about how busy I’ve been, so on and so forth, how that’s a good thing, and what it means for the continuation of the Dynasty of Storms saga. When I started writing Rising Thunder in July of 2015, […]

Written by Brandon Cornwell in May 24, 2019 / 2056 Views
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News, On Writing, Personal Update

Happy December!

Hey there! I’m getting a little bit better at this whole update-your-damn-website thing, though it’s still pretty far between. As promised, I spent a few days (that turned into almost two weeks…) catching my breath, but I have been anything but idle. Okay, maybe playing Minecraft and catching up on Castlevania was pretty idle. So […]

Written by Brandon Cornwell in December 9, 2018 / 2219 Views
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News, On Writing, Personal Update

Preparing to dive back into Erde…

So here we go! Songs of the Northlands has been out for six days, and I’m already feeling the itch to get back to writing! I’ve repaired my keyboard (I wear them out with a bit of frequency), and I’ve nearly completed a very ambitious project; I’m building myself a custom desk! Woodworking and metalworking […]

Written by Brandon Cornwell in October 7, 2018 / 1593 Views
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